Chalke and Cheese 2023

Ride Details

Series 3 Period Q2 2022 to Q1 2023, Ride number 10

Ride Stats

Ride Notes

VERY Wet and Windy.

Day didn’t start so well as my dynamo wouldn’t work after I fitted the wheel. Got it going at the depart… phew.

Joined by GB for the 50km to Sutton Veny where he decided to call it a day and head back to the start.

Loads of standing water everywhere and it pissed down. Maybe he made the right decision.

Second issue - dropped my Rapha pouch at the info control 773km. Didn’t realise until Broad Chalke control at 85km. Saved by a guy called Ray who’d picked it up!

Joined by David (Nash?) from BC to Bruton. Then had a problem with my mudguards so had to stop - sorted with cable ties. Rode from Wells to Wedmore and on from there with two mad ‘uns from Winchester - Todd and Rob.

Had a great day, despite the minor (and one potential MAJOR) issues.

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