DIY Cheddar Gorge, Wellow and cycle paths

Ride Details

Series 3 Period Q2 2022 to Q1 2023, Ride number 11

Ride Stats

Ride Notes

What a day!

Started out well enough, no rain until Wedmore when the heavens opened. Climb up the gorge was ‘damp’ as was the run to Mells… lovely as usual and the sun made an all too brief appearance when I got there.

Cycle path to Radstock and back up to Wellow in the dry but I was by then soaked through. Fantastic Brekkie at the rider centre cafe (Italian Porchetta Panini !) served up by the Scouser-Italian owner.

From there cycle path to Bath and all the way around Bristol. At Thornbury the wind REALLY got going and the 90km from there was a bit of a slog TBH, broken up by a coffee in The Old Library at Long Ashton.

Bang on 200km as the Garmin doesn’t record the two tunnels - the route said 201.6km which seems about right.

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