2 Extended due to second lockdown

Start Date: 1 January 2021
End Date: 31 March 2022

My second RRtY series - this one also had to be extended (by three rides) due to lockdown #2

Rides for this Series

DIY with Guy January 21 - 17 January 2021

Solo DIY February 21 - 21 February 2021

Solo DIY March 21 - 27 March 2021

Solo DIY April 21 - 10 April 2021

Solo DIY May 21 - 14 May 2021

Solo DIY 300km June... on which I met Henning Wehn in Wellow! - 5 June 2021

Solo DIY July - 27 July 2021

DIY August... on which Mr B joined in for the first 80km and I ended up spinning in second gear - 14 August 2021

DIY September validated... Seaton via Blackdowns return over the Mendips - 18 September 2021

DIY October validated... A Day of Days on the bike, with the route and company provided by Guy!!! - 17 October 2021

DIY November validated... The weather was great, as was the company, until Steve and Guy left me to it... then it rained! - 28 November 2021

DIY December validated... Brutal, brutal wind - 5 December 2021

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